
Elysians going forward

Elysians going forward It's been some time since I have posted, but rest assured the blog isn't dead. I'm still around and using my Elysians. Just not so much lately due to a combination of real life commitments, and the Elysian rules getting further behind. And now it looks like Elysians will be consigned to Legend status, While this works for some people I do like to play in the occasional tournament so prefer to play with rules suitable for match play. Because of this I have been looking at ways to utilise my Elysians in 9th edition using standard Astra Militarum rules. In preparation for this I have already made 6 sergeants with chainswords, 3 with laspistols and 3 with bolters as pictured below. And I'm going to need make quite a few more, as well and platoon and company commanders. The new Strategic Reserves rule will likely be key to the way I will play, effectively using it to replace aerial drop. To make it a bit more useful I'll probably use

Elysians in tournaments following the Space Marine updates

Over the weekend I attended a 1750pt tournament with my Elysian's. I used a similar list to what I have used in the past with an Elysian brigade including 3 Vultures, and also brought a Vanguard detachment of 3 assassins. My list here. As an interesting aside check out my new unit markers, which are kids hair ties. I bought a pack of 1000 of them in a bunch of different colours for a few bucks, and they fit really well around a 25mm base. Now generally in tournaments I end up somewhere in the lower part of the top half, but times have changed. Game 1 My first game was against a Mechanicus army, and my opponent was quite an experienced player. His list is here. He managed to all 3 of my Vultures round one, but did burn through all his command points to do so. However from there I did not have the firepower to carry they day, and while I killed some of

1500pt Tournament review

In the previous weekend I attended the tournament I mentioned in a previous post . My army is pictured below but see that post for my army list, as well as details of the tournament's list restrictions. In addition to this tournament I also attended a smaller 1000pt tournament at the local GW store, taking a cut down version of the above list. Game 1 My first game was against a Sisters of Battle list with a Vindicare assassin.  My opponent is quite an experienced player and managed to keep most of his troops in cover making the most of his mainly 3+ saves killed some of his vehicles early on, but then his arco-flagellents started mowing through my infantry and my some of my flyers got taken down. My eversor assassin tried to kill his vindicare but failed to kill him, then got shot to death. But doing some damage with his melt-down. In the end I just wasn't able to keep him off the objectives and the game ended in a minor win for him, with him claim

Elysian Drop Troops online resources

When I first started to get into Elysians one of the the difficulties I faced was the limited amount of current information avaliable online. So here is a summary of some of the more useful online resources that I have found since I started, and feel free to add in any ones I miss in the comments. 1d4chan tactics section,000/Tactics/Imperial_Guard(8E)#Elysian_Drop_Troops This is a sub-section of the Imperial Guard tactics article, and provides a good overview on all the available options and some suggestions for their use. It is certainly worth a read, but don't take it all as gospel Wahapedia Elysian Drop troops section This is an incredible useful resource, and contains all the rules for the game, including all the rules for Elysian drop troops, and is continually updated with and changes from Chapter approved and the FAQs. This site is a realistic replacement for your rul

Upcoming 1500pt tournament

It's been a slow few months for my Hobby progress due to various factors including moving house, and a lot of my stuff is still packed up. However I have signed up for an upcoming 1500pt tournament in July. In the ongoing effort to make things as fair as possible this tournament has a number of restrictions regarding factions, detachments and Forgeworld models. Effectively you can only gain one faction benefit for your army, e.g. Cadian doctrine etc. And a max limit of 400pts of Forgeworld. However in corresponding with the TOs I have been allowed to run a pure Elysian List, even though it is almost all Forgeworld as the forgeworld limitation is to allow people to bring things like leviathans etc not whole armies. If you are interested in the full list of restrictions and everything else, here is the link to the players pack. While I haven't finalised my list I'm actually looking at taking a pretty standard list to this. Probably a Brigade with 3 CCs, 6 Infantr

Elysian Battle reports - 1000pt GW tournament

Last weekend I attended a 1000pt tournament at the local GW store. The tournament had some unusual rules, including a special detachment we were required to use and a score out of 20 depending on the composition of the list to try and discourage some of the more extreme lists. The detachment was called a Fire and Fury detachment, and was as follows. 1-2 HQ 2-8 Troops 0-3 Elites 0-3 Fast Attack 0-2 Heavy Support 0-1 Flyer 3 Command points for this Detachment Obviously only 2 HQs is a bit of a limitation for Elysians so only 2 Company commanders could be taken, but the rest of the slots gave plenty of scope. However the Army composition rules were more of an issue. Army Composition is out of 20 pts and easy to work out before you join us: 3 pts - The most points have been spent on your troop selections 1 pt - You have spend more than 400pts on your troop selections 2 pts - You have spent more than 500pts on your troop selections 2 pts - 0-2 Units in your force have

Elysian Battle Report - 1000pts

I got in a small game at the local club yesterday. My List was as follows Battalion Detachment 2 Company commanders with Auxiliary Grenade Launchers 4 Infantry squads with all lasguns 2 Plasma command squads 2 Tauros Assault Vehicles with Heavy Flamers 1 Tauros Venator with Hunter-killer missile and Twin lascannon 2 Heavy weapon squads with mortars 2 Vultures with Twin Punisher Gatling Cannons My Opponent was playing Death Guard, and had the following Batallion and Vanguard detachments Plagueburst crawler 2 units of nurglings 1 large unit of plague walkers 1 Hellbrute That Nurgle tree And a variety of characters including a psyker. Mission was the Maelstrom mission, Cloak of Shadows, which imposed a -1 to hit on any shooting over 18", and deployment was Hammer and Anvil. He only kept his tree in Deepstrike reserve, and I reserved both my CCs, 3 Infantry squads and both Command squads. As expected he got first turn and moved up and shot with what he