Elysians in tournaments following the Space Marine updates

Over the weekend I attended a 1750pt tournament with my Elysian's. I used a similar list to what I have used in the past with an Elysian brigade including 3 Vultures, and also brought a Vanguard detachment of 3 assassins.

My list here. https://downunderpairings.com/ArmyList.php?ArmyID=13879

As an interesting aside check out my new unit markers, which are kids hair ties. I bought a pack of 1000 of them in a bunch of different colours for a few bucks, and they fit really well around a 25mm base.

Now generally in tournaments I end up somewhere in the lower part of the top half, but times have changed.

Game 1

My first game was against a Mechanicus army, and my opponent was quite an experienced player. His list is here. https://downunderpairings.com/ArmyList.php?ArmyID=13900

He managed to all 3 of my Vultures round one, but did burn through all his command points to do so. However from there I did not have the firepower to carry they day, and while I killed some of his stuff, it was not enough and I went down 20-0 in a major loss.

Game 2

My second game was against a World eaters army using the Soulforged Pack specialist detachment
List here. https://downunderpairings.com/ArmyList.php?ArmyID=13803

I managed to kill all his berserkers without taking too much damage, but his daemon machines poured into my right flank, and he managed to hold more objectives than me. This game was a bit closer, and ended in a minor loss, and I went down 13-7

Game 3

I took no more photos from here so the following are the user submitted photos for the paint score, but my third game was against an all infantry Blood angels army.
List here. https://downunderpairings.com/ArmyList.php?ArmyID=13795

The table we had for this one had small buildings all over the map, so he filled all the ones he could with his scouts and other infantry.

This really limited my shooting, with only my mortars being able to target the enemy, and they all got cover. This also really limited when I could bring in my troops, but I managed to clear out 2 buildings, one with my mortars and one with my Eversor and dropped troops into them. But by the I had lost my Vultures to his smash captains, and his death company was moving through clearing me out of the buildings I had taken. While I still had stuff on the board, I had just not held enough objectives or killed enough stuff and again went down in a major loss, 18pts to 2.

Game 4

My last game was against another Marine army, my third one of the day if you include chaos Marines. This time is was Salamanders.

It was getting late in the day by now, and my opponent was quite drunk. Neither of us was in any position to do well so it was a pretty relaxed game. He kept making bad choices and we were also forgetting how much damage vehicles had taken, even letting me score a domination maelstrom card. He called it after 3 rounds as he didn't have much left, and after adding up the scores it was a 18-2 victory for me. But even then it wasn't a real victory due to his drunkenness and could have gone very differently.


So in conclusion times are tough for Elysian's, and probably are for most mono-guard lists. While I don't mind losing the odd game, I felt I was in a different class at this tournament, and I didn't even face any Iron Hands lists, and there were some there.


  1. What changes (if any) do you plan on making for your list?

    1. Not sure yet, I don't have any more tournaments coming up so will wait and see how things go. Maybe try and fit in a third plasma command squad.
      I generally run a different list every tournament, so don't have a standard list as such anyway.


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