Elysian Tactics - Tauros Assault vehicle and Tauros Venator
In my opinion the most iconic model of the Elysians is the Tauros. The Tauros comes in 2 variants, the 2 axle Assault Tauros, and the larger 3 axle Venator. Interestingly enough though, these have the <Regiment> keyword as opposed to the Elysian Drop Troops keyword, so can easily be included in any other regiment and some of the Regimental doctrines could prove useful for Tauroses. However I will be covering the Tauros in the context of an Elysian force, meaning they gain the Aerial Drop ability.
The first thing that hit me about these models is how physically small they are, being not much taller than an infantry model. Tactics wise this will mean they can gain cover much easier, and with their high movement can easily dart from cover to cover. And both variants also have the galvanic motor special rule giving them a 5+ Invul save if they move over 10" in their last movement phase which is easy to do even if they end up in the same location by doing a loop. The Assault variant will take a penalty to firing heavy weapons on the move though, but really that's only the Hunter Killer missile, whereas the Venator has a targeting array to negate this penalty. It is unclear how the Invul save interacts with the Aerial drop. The FAQ for the Tallarn Ambush stratagem states that the units are considered to have moved their maximum movement, so is reasonable to assume it is the same for other deepstriking methods like Aerial Drop.
Additionally these are the only two options in the Fast Attack slot for an Elysian force, so to take a Brigade you will be looking at at least of three of these. But they are both good options so this isn't usually a limitation.
The stats of the two vehicles are identical and very similar to a scout sentinel but with a massive 15" movement.
However due to the different weapon options the 2 variants fulfil different roles.
Assault Tauros
The Assault Tauros is the cheapest of the two, and has the option of a Heavy Flamer or Grenade launcher, neither of which is affected by movement, and with the grenade launcher being assault it can even fire if the Tauros advances, should you require even more movement.The Heavy Flamer is probably the default weapon option, and the cheapest. I see the Assault Tauros as moving forward of your lines to disrupt fast moving enemy assault troops and preventing your opponent deepstriking too close to your lines. While the Tauros is no close combat specialist, it does have 2 WS4+ attacks at Str 4 so is better than most vehicles. A decent melee unit will dispose of a Tauros in quick order, but shooty units and vehicles will struggle against them, and this will stop them shooting next turn. And remember you still have your Invul save till your next movement phase.
Aerial dropping them is also an option, but you will be out of flamer range so dropping them out of LOS is advised, and moving in the following round. However this means you won't get any use out of them till round 3.
Initially I dismissed the Grenade launcher, but am starting to see some use for it, given that it is an assault weapon and has a 36" range. The 2 firing modes gives you a bit of versatility, and the long range means you can keep it away from the enemy. Unfortunately modelling wise it is not an easy weapon swap to magnetise given that the gunner is holding onto the weapon.
They compete pretty much directly with the Heavy Flamer Drop Sentinel, and overall do a better job really only losing the pre-game scouting move which is less important now with the new deepstrike limitations.
Tauros Venator
The Venator does cost a little more, mainly due to the more expensive weapon options. It can take either a Twin Multi laser or Twin lascannon. The Twin Multi Laser is not worth taking, and while it has some utility against targets with an Invul save, the extra utility of the Lascannon is worth the extra cost, especially the the targeting array negating the penalty for moving and firing and you should have enough mid-strength 0AP firepower elsewhere in the army. Also of note is that this is one of only 2 Elysian ground units that can take Lascannons, with the other being the Tarantula.I see the Venator as long range fire support, moving from cover to cover each round to keep that 5+ Invul save, and keeping away from enemy assault units. Probably no reason to Aerial Drop these, unless you want to deny them as a target turn 1, but they probably work better as an anchor to allow you to deepstrike other stuff provided you can keep them hidden when deployed, as they won't have their Invul save turn 1 if you don't go first.
Due to the targeting array a hunter killer may also be viable on these as it pairs well with the Lascannons.
Other factors

Next time I will cover the Tarantula Gun platforms
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