Tauros Assault Vehicle

Tauros Assault Vehicle

Since I covered the Venators last post I thought I would move on to the Assault version of the Tauros now

I have assembeled 4 of these so far and the process is very similar to the Venators with many of the pieces being identical. The four I have assembeled so far I have equipped with the Heavy Flamer as that is how I am currently planning to use them. I looked into magnetising them, but it is not a simple process as both weapon options have different ammo packs on the seats, and the grenade launcher seems to be less useful than the Heavy Flamer on such a fast vehicle. Although if I get some more I will probably make some into the grenade Launcher version.

As you can see one of them is a different colour than the rest, This one is from a different source was was of a lesser quality than the others, which is why I have ordered more of them. It was even missing bits like the driver and roll cage, so I ordered another roll cage and made my own driver from other Elysian parts.

I did however attach a magnet to the right hand side of each vehicle side so I can equip a Hunter-killer missile if I want. And again I left the roll cage unattached for ease of painting.

When assembling these I was suprised at how small they actually are. Here are some pictures comparing one to a Taurox, and the Taurox is a pretty small vehicle as 40k vehicles go.

Next post I will give a rundown on my flyers from my Cadian army I will be using for the 422nd Elysians.


  1. Absolutely adore the blog. Great work, very inspiring!

    1. Thanks for your support, Hopefully this blog will help keep me on track with my hobby progress too.

      Feel free to post requests for any topics. I have probably topics for the next 10 or posts, plus a few more progress posts, but I am happy to talk about anything.

  2. I am starting an Elysian Drop army. Where are you sourcing these Tauros from?


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