Elysian Battle reports - 1000pt GW tournament

Last weekend I attended a 1000pt tournament at the local GW store. The tournament had some unusual rules, including a special detachment we were required to use and a score out of 20 depending on the composition of the list to try and discourage some of the more extreme lists.

The detachment was called a Fire and Fury detachment, and was as follows.

1-2 HQ
2-8 Troops
0-3 Elites
0-3 Fast Attack
0-2 Heavy Support
0-1 Flyer

3 Command points for this Detachment

Obviously only 2 HQs is a bit of a limitation for Elysians so only 2 Company commanders could be taken, but the rest of the slots gave plenty of scope.

However the Army composition rules were more of an issue.

Army Composition is out of 20 pts and easy to work out before you join us:

3 pts - The most points have been spent on your troop selections
1 pt - You have spend more than 400pts on your troop selections
2 pts - You have spent more than 500pts on your troop selections
2 pts - 0-2 Units in your force have the Monster Keyword
2 pts - 0-3 Units in your force have the Vehicle Keyword
2 pts - 02 units in your force have the Fly Keyword
2 pt - Army List is Emailed to the store before COB 16 March 2019  
1 pt - your army list is correct and all the points add up the first time

5 pts - Your list is Fire Forged - you've scored all the points above

So to get more than 13 points I was required to have over 500pts of troops, and with only 8 troop choices this meant 8 Drop Trooper squads, all with either plasma or melta, and most had vox's too just to get to over 500pts.

And then once I took some company commanders and platoon commanders I did not have many points left, but added in a Vulture, Officer of the fleet, Lascannon tarantula and a mortar Squad, as well as leaving 85pts spare for an assassin. I was aware I was low on AT weapons, but hoped that the special weapons and tarantula would be enough, especially as I was expecting most of my opponents to troop heavy too.

So here is my army, complete with all 4 assassins so I choose the appropriate one for each game.

Game 1 was against a custodes list which I lost. The mission was holding objectives, with a random one each turn being a priority objective. I managed to kill some of the custodes, but having little AP firepower really hurt me here, and he managed to kill any of my troops that got close to the objectives, especially the priority one.

Game 2 was against blood angels with some primaris, and was around taking and holding a single centre objective. Again I had too little AP firepower, and he managed to kill enough of my troops in the centre so he kept scoring the objective. My platoon commanders did get to use their melta bombs though, killing a dreadnought.

Game 3 was against one of my usual opponents with his mass genestealer list. Here my massed low strength firepower worked to my advantage and I won that game easily.

And Game 4 was against a Crimson Fist primaris army, and has 5 objectives. This game was much closer than the first 2, and while I did end up losing he did mot have many troops left, and I would have won if the game had continued.

Overall I came in pretty close to the middle, helped by my 20pt comp score even though I only got 1 win.

The games were only 1 and a half hours long, and with my large model count I was struggling to get in 4 turns, let alone 5.

In none of the games did I lose over half my list so I certainly had the staying power, but was really lacking in heavy firepower. It didn't help that I had hidden my tarantula in most of the games and forgot to fire him more than once.

Were I to redo my list I would have not taken the 500pts of troops or the tarantula, and taken some drop plasma squads and some lascannon venators instead. This would have taken be down to a 12/20 comp score, but I would make that up just by winning 1 more game.


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