1500pt Tournament review

In the previous weekend I attended the tournament I mentioned in a previous post . My army is pictured below but see that post for my army list, as well as details of the tournament's list restrictions.

In addition to this tournament I also attended a smaller 1000pt tournament at the local GW store, taking a cut down version of the above list.

Game 1

My first game was against a Sisters of Battle list with a Vindicare assassin.

 My opponent is quite an experienced player and managed to keep most of his troops in cover making the most of his mainly 3+ saves killed some of his vehicles early on, but then his arco-flagellents started mowing through my infantry and my some of my flyers got taken down. My eversor assassin tried to kill his vindicare but failed to kill him, then got shot to death. But doing some damage with his melt-down.

In the end I just wasn't able to keep him off the objectives and the game ended in a minor win for him, with him claiming max points for the primary mission, an and I scored some points for the secondary and tertiary missions.

Game 2

Having lost my first game I was matched up against someone else who has also lost, and I faced a Tau army with a Stormsurge and some other battlesuits. I'm not that familiar with Tau so you;'ll need to go by the picture below.

I pretty quickly killed most of his infantry and then spent the rest of the game working on the battle suits. My eversor assassin tried to charge his HQ models, survived the overwatch of the Stormsurge, the only rolled a 7" charge on his 3D6 even after a command point reroll, and soon after died to shooting.

One of his smaller battlesuits also did a 40" move, ending up behind my warlord and killed him. In the end I won the game 14-6 as I had many more primary mission points than him but he had many more kill points than I did, and the secondary was split between us.

Game 3

Now I had a win I was moving up the list slightly, and the third game was against a harder list, and it was Orks. 60 gretchen plus some hard hitting units.

He deployed well back, not much died in the first round. He then had a large squad of anti-tank orks that deepstuck in front of my lines and killed my 2 Valkyries, however they died easily to my return fire. In return I brought in my troops, and 4 infantry squads each wiped out a whole squad of gretchen, depriving him of screens faster than he had expected.

From there he didn't lose a lot more, and the game ended to a win for me with my last turn objective grab with a couple of units. So that was another 14-6 win to me, with him gaining most of his points for the kill points.

Game 4

My final game was against another Guard player, playing an artillery list with a Hellhammer. Not a good match-up for him as I had not many single large targets for him to concentrate on except my flyers.

I very quickly wiped out all his infantry squads, and spent the rest of the game gaining Primary and secondary mission points due to my much greater mobility. At the end of the game he still had all his vehicles but most we down a few categories. Highlight of the game was 9 sniper teams firing at the Vulture and getting 4 mortal wounds on it.

So game ended in a 14-6 victory to me, with him gaining most of his points from the tertiary mission, the kill points.

All up I came in 15th out of 45, with 46 battle points out of a maximum of 80.

Final thoughts

Overall I am happy with my result.
Units that performed well were the Flyers, not so much the rocket pod Valkyrie, but the other Valkyrie and the Vulture performed well. The Lascannon Tauros's performed well, but the Heavy Flamer Tauros did very little.
I was quite impressed with the sniper teams. This is the first time I have really used them, and for such a cheap unit they performed well.
Standard drop troopers and Heavy weapon teams performed well as usual.
The assassin didn't do much all tournament, as half the time his target was dead before he got to charge, and spent the game doing very little. Better target selection would have helped a lot with him. The officer of the fleet also got very little use from his abilities as I kept him near the back, but he was only killed once, and his ability to give an order from the warlord trait was useful.

So there are a few minor changes I would make to the list, but not many.


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