Elysian Tactics - Vox casters

I have just finished assembling and painting up 8 of these guys, mainly because I didn't have any in my collection.

Vox casters increase the range of an officers orders from 6" to 18" if the office is within 6" of a friendly Vox caster, and the target unit also has a vox caster. Initially this seems to be rather useful, but in practice it usually easy enough to keep an officer within 6" of the units he needs to order. While vox's only cost 5 points each, you generally need a minimum of 2 of them to get any use out of them so the points can add up quickly. It is easy to think up scenarios where a vox-caster network can be useful but it is often more effective to just take an additional officer or two.

An important point to note is that the Vox caster that the officer uses to send the order does not need to be in the same regiment, so a Tempestus Prime could use the Vox-caster in a nearby Drop Trooper squad to order a distant scion squad, provided that scion squad also has a vox.

If you are wanting to use vox-casters, ordinary Drop Trooper squads are probably the best place for them, as Command squads are best used as special weapon delivery squads. But there is nothing wong with having a Command squad doing what they were designed to do, supporting an officer with Vox, medic and/or having a Regimental standard.

One other important thing to remember about the vox-caster is that it allows you to use the Fire on my position! stratagem. This can do a lot of damage if your opponent uses a lot of individual units like characters to wipe out your unit, but is expensive at 3CP.


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