Elysian Battle Report - Tourney list game 1

I just played the first practice game with my list from the previous post.

See my previous post for the list details. https://422ndelysians.blogspot.com/2018/11/elysian-2000pt-tournament-list.html

I arranged a game at the local club, which is a different club to where I usually play but as it is closer than my usual I plan to start going there more often. My opponent plays Slaanesh demons and is a fairly casual player. We also didn't pre-arrange a points value so I had to cut my army down to match his number of points. This was just a rough counting and I took out one of the Valkyries with it's loadout and one of the double Tauros squads.

This is the first time I have ever played Slaanesh and I don't have his army list. But it contained 3 big units of close combat demonattes, 2 chariots, a large unit of beasts, quite a few psykers and a demon. See the photos for more details.

We just played a random Eternal war mission, and rolled Retrieval Mission and Search and Destroy deployment. I deployed well back, with only my mortars, Tauros's and Flyers on the table. He got first turn and moved up very quickly, but due to him having very little shooting most of the damage was done via smite. At the end of turn 1 he had killed nothing, but one of my Vultures was on 1 wound.

In response that vulture went into hover so at least he would hit on 5's, and the rest of the flyers moved up. In the shooting I destroyed one of the chariots with the Tauros's getting a severe case of overkill and  I trimmed back 2 of the units of daemonettes with the flyers and mortars, one of which got wiped out due to morale, and the other gaining back 5 models on a lucky morale roll.

In his round 2 his units made contact, killing one Tauros unit, half killing another, wiping out a mortar squad and killing the wounded Vulture which exploded doing some mortal wound to 2 of his characters. These 2 pics were taking during his combat phase.

In my turn 2 I dropped in most of my stuff, and from here it went downhill for him, as he lost most of his daemonettes, his purple demon and a bunch of his smaller characters. He only managed a few smaller kills from then on, and I killed his last 2 models in turn 5.

Here is the final shape of the battlefield. I had another squad of drop troopers on an objective off screen as well.

My worst performer was the assassin, as he didn't use any stratagems turn 1 so that ability didn't come into play, and when I dropped her in to kill a psyker, it died before I could charge it, and she got wiped out by getting charged the following turn. I really needed to think more carefully about where to use her.

But overall the it was a poor match-up for my opponent as his lack of shooting really limited his damage potential with my spread-out cheaper units. High volume low strength firepower is ideal for killing demons, and I have a lot of that with the Vultures, mortars and lasguns. The Vengeance for Cadia stratagem is also extremely good on plasma squads.

I don't like crushing people, and actually felt a bit bad at times, like when my warlord made 5 invul saves in a row. I won't be changing anything in my list just yet as this wasn't a real test of the list.

This game was useful in getting more familiar with all the stats as I still find myself having to look stuff up. And I need to consider how best to use the assassin.

I have no more games currently on my schedule, but will try and get one next weekend.


  1. Hello! I recently discovered your blog while researched IG airborne groups. Originally I was going to run some militarum tempestus guys with valks but have been put in other directions. The Elysian drop troops interest me so I have some questions: As forgeworld discontinued Elysians is there a way to get them anymore. What are the “tauros” and where did you get them from. And are you allowed to play in GW stores with this army. Thank you for your time.

    1. There are ways to get the Elysian models, but unless you are willing to spend large amounts of money on second hand FW models your only option is from recasters, and even these are getting harder to find at the moment as GW is cracking down on them currently.
      As for the Tauros variants, they are a wheeled buggy with a few different options, and you can find rules for them in the IA Astra Militarum Index with the rest of the Elysian rules. As they are likewise also avaliable from recasters. Also in some of my earlier blog posts I talk about them.
      Some of the recast sites can be found via google.
      As for playing in GW stores, if they are well constructed and painted there is no way to tell that thay are not Forgeworld models that you have had for some time. There may be suspicion that they are recast, but that depends on your relationship with the store. A good standby excuse is to say you bought them on ebay and the seller was selling them as genuine FW.

    2. Thanks for the reply! I’m going to begin to read your blog soon and will look forward to updates on it

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