Elysian 2000pt tournament list

It's been a busy couple of months but I'm finally going to get some games in. My painting has been progressing, albeit slowly, and in another month or so I will have the core of my army painted. There will always be more models to add, both to my Elysians and to my Cadians, but this will be the end of the beginning. I'll set up the whole army and get some photos of everything then.

But now I have some free time again I am planning to attend a tournament. This is a 2 day, 5 game, 2000pt event, and forgeworld is allowed, so I'm planning to take an Elysian force.

Here is my list.

Batallion, Vanguard and Aux Support detachment, 2000pts, 8 CPs

3x Elysian Company Commanders with Lasgun and Auxiliary Grenade Launcher
- 1 Warlord with The Laurels of Command and Master of Command
- 1 with Kurovs Aqulia

3x Elysian Drop Trooper Squads

2x Elysian Command Squads, 4x plasma each
2x Elysian Special weapon Squads, 3x melta each (1 in each Valkyrie)
2x Astropaths (1 in each Valkyrie)
1x Callidus Assassin

Fast Attack
3x Tauros Venator Squads, 2 Venators with lascannons and hunter killer missiles

Heavy Support
3x Elysian Heavy Weapon Squads, 3 mortars

2x Valkyries with Multiple Rocket Pods, Lascannon, 2x Heavy Bolters
2x Twin Punisher Vultures

Now this by far the fewest Command points I have had for a while as I usually take brigade, with with Elysians not having access to the regiment specific strategems CPs are less useful.

This is also the first time I have used an assassin in 8th, and I think that with the CP regen nerf, the special ability of the Callidus is much more useful.

The plan is to have a Special weapon squad and an astropath in each Valkyrie, and move them up the boards, disembarking turn 1 or 2 depending on the opponent.

Infantry squads, Command squads and Commander deep strike in as required, although the command squads could also fit in the Valkyries if required, which may be useful against an all knight force.

Astropaths are there for deny cover, and offensive psychic casting.

I should also have a decent alpha (or Beta) strike with the number of lascannons.

Anyway, I plan to gt some practise games in over the next few weeks, and will likely make changes on how those games go. I would have likes to take an Office of the Fleet but couldn't find the points.

So, post any suggestions or comments below, and I'll provide an update when I have some results.


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