
Showing posts from November, 2018

Vallejo Liquid Mask

On flyers with windows I like to paint the inside of the cockpit and leave the canopy clear so you can see the pilot, but when airbrushing the model to not get any paint on the window I need to hand paint the cockpit cover. Until now. I recently became aware of a Vallejo product called liquid mask, which you paint on to the parts you don't want paint on, and it just peels off at a later date. So I tried this on the cockpit for my thunderbolt, applying the liquid mask to the clear sections, and then apprehensively airbrushing it black. After leaving it to dry I then just peeled off the hardened mask with a toothpick, and it came off cleanly, leaving the ice clear canopy. I applied the liquid mask probably thicker than required, and as such there was still some painting required along the edges, but that was quickly done. Now a lot of people probably already know and use this product, but for those that don't I highly recommend it. I imagine it's also use

Elysian Battle Reports - Two games in two days

As per the title I managed to get in 2 games with my full 2000pt list over the weekend. Game 1 First was Friday evening after work with a friend of mine. He is a very frequent tournament player, and one of the highest ranked players in Australia. I have also never won a game against him, but playing him exposes weaknesses in my army and his advice is very useful. He also likes playing me as I don't run conventional tournament lists so it gives him a chance to use his lists against something different (or so he says, maybe he just likes easy wins). He is trying out a new list, an Alaitoc list with 6 flyers, 60 Rangers, and a Farseer and Autarch on bikes. Note the objective markers he uses, a 6" diameter circle so you can instantly see if a model is within 3" of the centre of the objective. I just thought that was a good idea. So I deployed well back with everything out range and the Tauros's out of line of sight, and he deployed everything except the planes in t

Elysian Battle Report - Tourney list game 1

I just played the first practice game with my list from the previous post. See my previous post for the list details. I arranged a game at the local club, which is a different club to where I usually play but as it is closer than my usual I plan to start going there more often. My opponent plays Slaanesh demons and is a fairly casual player. We also didn't pre-arrange a points value so I had to cut my army down to match his number of points. This was just a rough counting and I took out one of the Valkyries with it's loadout and one of the double Tauros squads. This is the first time I have ever played Slaanesh and I don't have his army list. But it contained 3 big units of close combat demonattes, 2 chariots, a large unit of beasts, quite a few psykers and a demon. See the photos for more details. We just played a random Eternal war mission, and rolled Retrieval Mission and Se

Elysian 2000pt tournament list

It's been a busy couple of months but I'm finally going to get some games in. My painting has been progressing, albeit slowly, and in another month or so I will have the core of my army painted. There will always be more models to add, both to my Elysians and to my Cadians, but this will be the end of the beginning. I'll set up the whole army and get some photos of everything then. But now I have some free time again I am planning to attend a tournament. This is a 2 day, 5 game, 2000pt event, and forgeworld is allowed, so I'm planning to take an Elysian force. Here is my list. Batallion, Vanguard and Aux Support detachment, 2000pts, 8 CPs HQ 3x Elysian Company Commanders with Lasgun and Auxiliary Grenade Launcher - 1 Warlord with The Laurels of Command and Master of Command - 1 with Kurovs Aqulia Troops 3x Elysian Drop Trooper Squads Elites 2x Elysian Command Squads, 4x plasma each 2x Elysian Special weapon Squads, 3x melta each (1 in each Valkyrie) 2