Winter Warfest

I went to a tournament over the weekend. 1500pts with a max of 400pts of Forgeworld, so I couldn't take my Elysians even if they were ready to go. So I went with a Cadian Brigade as pictured below.

Idea is that the Basilisks and Vultures provide the heavy firepower, and the rest is to soak up damage and hold objectives with the Scions and Rough Riders are backfield objective grabbers. This was first tournament with ITC rules so that was interesting. I mostly went for Recon, Behind enemy lines and Old School secondaries as most armies were designed to prevent the others being useful. My army was less optimised in this regard and against me most people went for big game hunter as I had a few vehicles, and the character hunter one as I have numerous characters.

However most people had trouble killing my vehicles, and although the vultures died in 3 out of 4 games, only 1 basilisk got killed in all the 4 games. Similarly I lost very few characters as none of my opponents killed a significant amount of my guardsmen.

I managed to do alright for the secondaries as the vultures got me recon turn 1 as one shot up each side, and then from turn 2 the scions and rough riders came in the back to get me some more secondary points.

I'm not going to do detailed reports on all 4 games, but overall I has 2 minor wins, and 2 minor losses, and finished up just above half way.

I played 1 other Guard army first up, which was almost a mirror of mine, just with Russes instead of Vultures, and he also had some crusaders.

The other three armies I faced were all Eldar, 2 alatioc mixtures, and 1 dark eldar. There were a lot of Eldar armies at the tournament. There were a few knight armies but not as many as I thought. The winner was using a Tzeench demon army with a bunch of demon princes, and went 20-0 for all 4 of his games.


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