Sentinel Powerlifters

I have recently gotten hold of some Sentinel Powerlifters. Now according to the Table of Organisation below powerlifters are found in Elysian regiments. Another interesting item is the inclusion of Stormtroopers within the regiment, as they are usually in separate regiments but that is beside the point.

Obviously this is an old chart so things have been changed since then, but it is still an interesting reference as to how an Elysian regiment is laid out.

So onto Powerlifters. I have pasted their entry below and they are actually quite impressive, and only 45points each.

I actually see them in a similar role to Bullgryns, and their cost is pretty similar too. Bullgryns have the same strength and toughness, better armour, but less wounds and movement. Also can use stratagems and abilities the affect infantry.

Powerlifters however have powerfist equivalents, so have 3 S10, AP -2 and D3 wound attacks which is pretty awesome. But consider you can use the Crush Them stratagem on a unit of 3 of them letting them charge after advancing and hitting on a 2+. That's a considerable amount of damage output. With 6 wounds each they are not easy to kill and unlikely to die to overwatch.

They are also scout vehicles letting you get them into a good spot, and the smoke grenades are really useful on these guys as they won't be shooting anyway.

So I am currently assembling them, and will then paint them. So they won't be on the table for a few weeks yet, but I am quite excited to try them out.

Here is the first one. I will leave the side off for painting as it would be extremely difficult to paint anything inside otherwise. Also I have magnetised the claws for ease of transportation.


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