Elysians - Second game, 2000pts

Had a second game with my Elysians. Used pretty much the same list as my previous game, but just bulked it out slightly to 2000pts rather then the 1900pts I used last game.

My opponent had 2 detachments as he is slowly paining a Primaris Ultramarine's army, but doesn't have a full force yet so mixes in some units from his older Blood Angels army.
His Ultramarine's detachment had various Primaris marines and a daredo dreadnought and the Blood angels detachment had assault marines, a Storm Raven containing a death company and a Close combat dreadnought.

I went with an Elysian Brigade, with the required infantry, drop plasma, flamer Tauros's, various Tarantulas and a bunch of sniper and mortar squads.

We used the Open War cards for the scenario and got an end to end deployment, and the mission was 2 objectives, and you automatically win if you hold both and the end of your opponents turn.

He went first and I failed to seize. He moved up and took out some of my Lascannon tarantulas plus a bunch of troops. I responded by dropping in 2 plasma command squads and wiping out his storm raven, and one Vulture dropped in and didn't do much.

Next turn he dropped in some Primaris guys into a small gap I had mistakenly left in my far right corner, not far from my objective, and killed my vulture in CC with some more of his blood angels, which then exploded killing his wounded Chaplin.

In my turn 2 I dropped in my Heavy bolter tarantulas, my other vulture, the rest of my infantry squads and the rest of my drop plasma. Took out his Daredo but not much else. After this the game went downhill for me as he continued to exploit the gap in my deepstrike denial zone, and my troops in his deployment zone were having trouble dislodging his Primaris troops in cover, especially once he had killed my plasma troopers.

And a turn or two later he took my objective and I did not have the troops to retake it, and he won the game.

So I obviously made a few mistakes here, probably the biggest was leaving that opening for him to deepstrike into, especially when I had carefully measured the left hand side when deploying to deny deepstriking there, and then plain forgot about the right hand side.

Also I didn't put enough into defending my objective. The heavy bolters would have been much more useful back in my lines and killing regular marines, rather than doing the odd wound to Primaris marines in cover. The two vultures did next to nothing. They are really good for killing hordes, but much less so more 2+ save enemies, like marines in cover. The plasma command squads did most of the damage, but as usual didn't survive long after that.

My next game won't be for a few weeks so I'll be thinking of how to alter my list. I have almost finished painting 3 twin-lascannon venators so that will give me a few more options. Also I have just found out about an upcoming tournament which allows Forgeworld, so I'm pretty keen on taking an Elysian force to that. It's 2000pts with the rule of three, so I'll start thinking what I can take. Might even take some drop sentinels or Valkyries with Bullgryns. The tournament is not till December so I have lots of time to try things out.


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