Elysian Tactics - Heavy Weapon Squads

The second one of the Elysian Heavy support options is the Heavy Weapons squad. Armed with mortars these are the cheapest Heavy Support option available, and the Elysian squads are now cheaper than the regular guard ones since they went up in price.

However Elysian Heavy Weapon squads do not have access to the Lascannon and the Autocannon, two of the more commonly used  heavy weapon types, leaving access to the Missile launcher, the Heavy Bolter and the Mortar.

Like all Elysians they gain the aerial drop rule, but with their low resilience, penalty to shooting when they move, and long range there is very little reason to ever aerial drop a Heavy Weapon squad. They are far more suited to being on the board from turn 1, and not moving.

My favourite is the mortar as it is the cheapest, and the only indirect fire available to an Elysian force. Also they can be placed out of sight to prevent them being shot at. Mortars are surprisingly effective in numbers. If it wasn't for the rule of three  I would like to take even more squads of them.

The cost effectiveness of mortars really overshadows the other 2 weapon options, especially as the other two compete with the tarantulas.

Missile Launchers have decent AT and AP firepower, but are really just a bit too expensive for what they do, especially in a heavy weapon squad where they can be very easily shot off the board as they are often a high priority target.

Heavy Bolters are a decent option though. Not too expensive and are effective against most things in the game. They have the same drawback as missile launchers as they are also easy to kill, but are usually less of a target.

Another option is to run them in mixed squads, with either a Heavy Bolter or a Missile Launcher and 2 mortars for ablative wounds. This seems like it would work well, and is really cheap too. The downside here is again I would rather just run 3 mortar squads and have the heavier firepower elsewhere, whether Tarantualas, Tauros's, Veteran squads, or elsewhere. While they can't be given orders like heavy weapon teams can, I find the orders much more effective on infantry and veteran squads.

Really not a huge amount to say about these guys. So next time I will cover the third heavy choice, the Cyclops demolition vehicle.


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