Elysians getting discontinued by Forgeworld?

As most people who play Elysians will know, Forgeworld has moved the majority of their Elysian line to the 'Last chance to buy' category. In fact it seems the Sky Talon is the only item that will remain. I am hoping that this is because they are redoing all the moulds and releasing a whole new line of Elysians, but I have seen no signs of this and the most likely scenario is that Elysians weren't selling very well and rather than spend the time and money to redo the moulds they have decided to retire the army.

This is a shock to me as I have only recently started my Elysian army and was looking forward to some updated 8th edition Elysian rules and especially Elysian specific stratagems, warlord trait and a relic. Now it looks like the Index rules may be the only thing we'll get for 8th edition.

However after discussing this with other Elysian players it is not in fact the end of the world. As someone pointed out we still have a couple of options even if the Elysian rules disappear completely.
The two suggestions were either to run them as scions, or run as them as one of the standard regiments.

While I am not as keen on running them as scions, as Scions are rather different, and I would like to run actual scions along with my army.

The second option has merit, particularly with the Tallarn Stratagem, Ambush, allowing you to effectively deepstrike for 3CPs for 3 units. As you use this stratagem in the deployment phase you are not limited to one use, and with the new CPs for Battalions and Brigades CPs shouldn't be a issue. The only issue is that you are limited to coming in from the table edge, but that still leaves a lot of space to deploy into.

But all this is further down the track. For now we still have the Index rules, and I intend to make the best use I can, so stay tuned for further posts as I continue with my army.

Just an addional Note:

This Facebook from Forgeworld looks interesting.


is the Elysian drop troop range being discontinued?

Forge World They are under review right now. Some will be being discontinued, while others will be coming back in a different format.


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