Elysian Regimental Standards

Elysian Regimental Standards

I decided I needed some Regimental standard bearers for my army, and there is no Elysian standard bearer model so I had to search elsewhere. It did not take long to find that Anvil Industry sell a variety of standards, so ordered two of the standard kits, and one of the banner arms.

The two banner kits came with the flags, a selection of hands and some items to put on top of the poles. They are designed for use with a 1.5mm brass rod which can also be purchased, but I chose to supply my own. I was actually reall impressed with the kit, and do not need the additional arms kit as I was unaware of the range of hands supplied with the banner kit.

Assembly was really simple, with the brass rod fitting into place nicely. I have a selection of different arms, and I just cut off the hand and glued one of the supplied hands to the end. The hand is perfectly sized for the rod. I used the right hand for the first pole, but then had to modify a left hand to hold the lasgun. For the subsequent 2 models I used the left hand for the banner as I have quote a few of the right hands holding a lasgun.

So I am pretty happy with how they turned out. I have enough pieces to make 3 more, but have used the 3 banners I like best, and I really can't see me needing more than 3 Standard bearers.

Next up is painting them, and I am really not looking forward to painting the banners. It would be great to have some freehand symbols, but I would not be able to do it justice, so I'll look for some transfers to use. If I can't find anything better I'll just use the Aquilla from the vehicle transfer sheet.

Thanks for reading this post, and feel free to post in comments if you have any points or questions. I have recently joinded a new discord channel dedicated to all things Elysian, such as modelling tips and tactics so join at the link below. It would be great to see you there, as there is not a lot of resources for Elysian players around.


Next post I will be back to tactics, and will cover the various commanders so stay tuned for that.


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