Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter

Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter

Finally got it assembled, or as much as I will before painting. The canopy and front engine cover are still not attached. I have also not attached any wing weapons yet as I have not finalised how I will arm it.

As you can see there are some rather large chunks of resin, but assembly actually went easier that I had feared. I has read that this was a difficult kit to put together, but I guess I am not as much of a perfectionist.

There were a couple of bits that needed a little green stuff, but I only tidied up the most obvious flaws.

I did have a bit of an issue with the legs, as the centre of gravity is quite far back, near the back of the slots for the feet.

So I mounted the legs overhanging the rear of the slot and it now sits on the ground fine. However I then mounted the bar doors on the inside of the legs as I though that would look better, and it did.

But when it came time to attach the flying stem support there was no room, and as you can see in the picture below I had to trip the support considerably and slide it between the bay doors.

It now sits alright of the flying stand, but does lean back a little so I'll need to a bit of work with a drill to level it out.

In conclusion it is mostly sorted. There are just a few minor things to sort out prior to painting, but it was actually a much easier build that I had been led to believe.

The canopy did not come with any clear plastic/glass as the GW plastic kits do, and I needed to make my own. As I did with my Arvus I used an old jewel CD case as they have very hard and clear plastic, and I was able to cut them to the correct shapes and glue them into the canopy. The result looks pretty good .

As for my next post, I don't know yet, so stay tuned.


  1. Details look nice and clean, followed you from Reddit. Good shout out. I’m developing a navy theme Guard army with Elysian rules, so this is very inspirational. Cheers

    1. Thanks for the comments. How's your army coming along? Are you at the building stage yet, or still theorising?


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