Progress Post

Progress Post

It's been a busy few weeks, and I am still putting models together, but am spending more time painting now.

Firstly I have finished painting the sniper teams, 6 squads or 18 bases in all, as well as 3 Missile launcher teams

Also I have finished 8 of the 12 Heavy Bolter teams

That is most of the Heavy weapon teams done. Still got the other 4 Heavy Bolter teams, and all the mortar teams to go. And I'll probably dds another 3 missile launcher teams.

Also have finished my other 3 Cyclops.

So currently I am working on 2 of the Tauros's to see how they look, and they are almost done.

Also I have been working on the Tarantula Heavy weapons, and 3 Heavy Bolter and 3 Lascannon ones are coming along nicely.

Still a bit slow on the standard infantry with only 3 models done, and that is including my test model I showed last time.

But overall I am happy with my progress. Got a few more plasma gunners and power swords arriving soon, but that is all I have on my list of stuff I need for the time being. Next up I'll probably get the rest of the Tauros's painted, including the Venators and that will take a while. I may try to get a few infantry done around them as well.

As for the building side I don't have much to go there. Just a few more missile and mortar squads, plasma gunners, and a bunch of different commanders.

Next time I will be back to showing a different model type, and this will be my flamer and grenade launcher guys. Both of which I wasn't planning on making any of, but since then I have added in a few of each.


  1. Looking Great. I have just started my own Elysians and I'm still in the cleaning and building phase. But yours already look great.

    Although a lighter green highlighting of the corners on the Tarantulas and the Tauros would make them look even better.

    158th out.

    1. I agree, but I am not a fan of painting, so once they get to a table top standard I usually stop.
      I occasionally do a bit of dry brushing as I did on the Cyclops. Maybe when I eventually get the rest of the stuff painted I will go through and add detailing like that, but more likely I will just keep putting it off.


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