Objective Markers

Objective Markers

My Thunderbolt is still not ready, but I have made some themed objective markers

I have previously made themed objective markers, but they were made for 6th ed when they did not numbers, so haven't seen much use lately.

Rather that numbering these older ones, which I will do eventually, I decided to make a set of new ones.  I used 32mm bases I had lying around, and glues a rectangular bit of plastic for the number.

Next I painted them black and based them.

From here I went through my spare parts box, and made 6 different markers.

1. An old Hunter killer missile I just found among my spare pieces.
2. Some sensor equipment that came with some Elysian stuff.
3. A grenade launcher and ammo box from an Assault Tauros
4. 2 Hunter killer missiles from Tauros Venators
5. Some fuel cans and Bolter ammo boxes
6. An empty seat from the Thuderbolt with a lasgun leaning against it.

The numbers are just from the IG vehicle transfer sheet.

I'm actually pretty pleased how they turned out. I have done a little more painting since these pics and sealed them, but other than that they are ready to go. And I'll probably be using them for my regular IG games till the Elysians are ready.

And next post will definitely be about the Thunderbolt.


  1. I like that and will propably copy it. :)

    1. I was realy happy with how they turned out. And they were easy to do. Everyone has a variety of random bits that can make good objectives. A few I considered but didn't do was a stack of tyres (left over from a Tauros), a pile of lasguns, maybe leaning together in a tripod, or a left over medical suitcase from the Scion sprue.


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