Elysian Commanders and Sergeants

Elysian Commanders and Sergeants

Elysian sergeants are equipped differently to regular guard sergeants in that they don't have a chansword, and can take lasgun instead of a laspistol. So as there are very few situations in which a laspistol would be more useful I have equipped all my sergeants with lasguns. I'll have to paint them slightly differently to differentiate them but I will decide that later. Also they have the option to take a power sword, but as I haven't found any suitable power swords yet I have just made standard ones. Veteran sergeants also have to option for a power fist, but I have no intention of making any of these.

So I have made 5 sergeants so far. There is still a little work to do on these before painting but here they are.

The arm holding the small scope is from the sniper team, but I find it is very useful for command type models.

As for the commanders I have used similar left arms, but for the weapon I have made some with a laspistol, and some with a plasma pistol. I will make some with the power fist, and also some with a power sword when I find some suitable.

Now you may notice that all the commanders so far are kneeling, and some may consider this modelling for advantage, but I just consider it common sense for them to keep a lower profile to be less likely to be sniped. Also since I made these models I have since found that the command set offers a special commanders shoulderpad, so I'll be using them on any future ones I make. Also I haven't differentiated which will be company commanders, and which will be platoon commanders.

Now there is not usually much reason to take platoon commanders in regular guard regiments as company commanders are much better for only small cost increase. However Elysian Platoon commanders get melta bombs for free, and combines with their BS of 3+ can make a useful contribution. Especially as they can retreat from combat, and then order themselves to Get back in the Fight, and throw their melta bomb.

I have started assembling my Thunderbolt so if I get that assembled by next weekend I will cover that next time, and if not I will chose a different topic.


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