Progress Post

Progress Post It's been a busy few weeks, and I am still putting models together, but am spending more time painting now. Firstly I have finished painting the sniper teams, 6 squads or 18 bases in all, as well as 3 Missile launcher teams Also I have finished 8 of the 12 Heavy Bolter teams That is most of the Heavy weapon teams done. Still got the other 4 Heavy Bolter teams, and all the mortar teams to go. And I'll probably dds another 3 missile launcher teams. Also have finished my other 3 Cyclops. So currently I am working on 2 of the Tauros's to see how they look, and they are almost done. Also I have been working on the Tarantula Heavy weapons, and 3 Heavy Bolter and 3 Lascannon ones are coming along nicely. Still a bit slow on the standard infantry with only 3 models done, and that is including my test model I showed last time. But overall I am happy with my progress. Got a few more plasma gunners and power swords arri...