
Showing posts from March, 2018

Progress Post

Progress Post It's been a busy few weeks, and I am still putting models together, but am spending more time painting now. Firstly I have finished painting the sniper teams, 6 squads or 18 bases in all, as well as 3 Missile launcher teams Also I have finished 8 of the 12 Heavy Bolter teams That is most of the Heavy weapon teams done. Still got the other 4 Heavy Bolter teams, and all the mortar teams to go. And I'll probably dds another 3 missile launcher teams. Also have finished my other 3 Cyclops. So currently I am working on 2 of the Tauros's to see how they look, and they are almost done. Also I have been working on the Tarantula Heavy weapons, and 3 Heavy Bolter and 3 Lascannon ones are coming along nicely. Still a bit slow on the standard infantry with only 3 models done, and that is including my test model I showed last time. But overall I am happy with my progress. Got a few more plasma gunners and power swords arri

Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter

Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter Finally got it assembled, or as much as I will before painting. The canopy and front engine cover are still not attached. I have also not attached any wing weapons yet as I have not finalised how I will arm it. As you can see there are some rather large chunks of resin, but assembly actually went easier that I had feared. I has read that this was a difficult kit to put together, but I guess I am not as much of a perfectionist. There were a couple of bits that needed a little green stuff, but I only tidied up the most obvious flaws. I did have a bit of an issue with the legs, as the centre of gravity is quite far back, near the back of the slots for the feet. So I mounted the legs overhanging the rear of the slot and it now sits on the ground fine. However I then mounted the bar doors on the inside of the legs as I though that would look better, and it did. But when it came time to attach the flying stem support there was no r

Objective Markers

Objective Markers My Thunderbolt is still not ready, but I have made some themed objective markers I have previously made themed objective markers, but they were made for 6th ed when they did not numbers, so haven't seen much use lately. Rather that numbering these older ones, which I will do eventually, I decided to make a set of new ones.  I used 32mm bases I had lying around, and glues a rectangular bit of plastic for the number. Next I painted them black and based them. From here I went through my spare parts box, and made 6 different markers. 1. An old Hunter killer missile I just found among my spare pieces. 2. Some sensor equipment that came with some Elysian stuff. 3. A grenade launcher and ammo box from an Assault Tauros 4. 2 Hunter killer missiles from Tauros Venators 5. Some fuel cans and Bolter ammo boxes 6. An empty seat from the Thuderbolt with a lasgun leaning against it. The numbers are just from the IG vehicle transfer sheet. I&#

Elysian Commanders and Sergeants

Elysian Commanders and Sergeants Elysian sergeants are equipped differently to regular guard sergeants in that they don't have a chansword, and can take lasgun instead of a laspistol. So as there are very few situations in which a laspistol would be more useful I have equipped all my sergeants with lasguns. I'll have to paint them slightly differently to differentiate them but I will decide that later. Also they have the option to take a power sword, but as I haven't found any suitable power swords yet I have just made standard ones. Veteran sergeants also have to option for a power fist, but I have no intention of making any of these. So I have made 5 sergeants so far. There is still a little work to do on these before painting but here they are. The arm holding the small scope is from the sniper team, but I find it is very useful for command type models. As for the commanders I have used similar left arms, but for the weapon I have made some with a laspi