Elysian Heavy Bolter Squad

Elysian Heavy Bolter Squad

As mentioned last time I'm scaling back to weekly updates, and they will probably be posted during the weekend or soon after. I want to keep providing useful information, and not just a procession of progress updates, while interesting to me hold little value to anyone else.

So Elysian bolter teams come in three variants as shown in the FW website. There are two with the Heavy bolter gunner prone, of which one of these has the 2nd trooper prone and loading the gun, and the other has the 2nd trooper kneeling with his lasgun and carrying an ammo box. These poses both look alright, although the one where they are both lying down does make the whole model extremely low, and will have implications for getting line of sight to enemy models.

The third variant is the more interesting one, and has the team kneeling behind a crate, with the Heavy bolter resting on the crate. As you can see I have been progressing with my painting and have mostly finished painting this one.

In other news I bough a box to store all my Elysian bits, and spent a few hours trimming and sorting bits into their various types.

I have added more since then, but it makes things a lot easier.

And finally as I mentioned in my missile launcher review the grav shute wouldn't fit on the guy firing the missile launcher, and I didn't want them to be the only trooper without a grav shute, so I modified one and I think it turned out alright.

Next on the painting table is the missile launcher team and some more sniper teams, which are primed already as you can see,

I also got a game in in the weekend, not using the Elysians of course but with my existing guard army. I tried an all Tempestus army this time with two batallions, and faced a Cadian infantry/artillary brigade. We were using the open war cards and got the deployment where I set up in the middle, and my opponent set up in the 4 corners, and the objective was just kill points. So a pretty good setup for him, and he had sufficient screening to prevent me getting to his tanks and artillary too soon. But still an enjoyable game.

And next post I'll cover the various options for making company and platoon commanders.


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