Elysian Drop troopers

Elysian Drop troopers

I like to have decent amounts of infantry so am planning to eventually have over a hundred of these guys, and I have assembled a decent number so far.

There is not a lot of variety as expected, and most of the variety is provided by the different legs. There are 6 different leg poses, each giving the trooper a different look. However one of the types is a running leg variant, which not so bad on it's own, makes the model lean a long way forward and I don't like it, so I haven't used this for any of the troopers.

There are 2 kneeling poses as pictured below. One with the left knee forward, and the other with the right knee. For Cadians the kneeling legs are quite sought after as they enable you to make extra heavy weapons teams from the heavy weapon kit, but with Elysians they are much more readily available, and the Elysian Heavy weapons teams come as individual kits anyway.

The other legs I use are 3 different standing poses.

Not really too much to say about these.

There does seem to be different torso parts but the differences are not as distinct, mainly differentiating how far the head tilts forward.

I haven't finished these ones yet as I still need to add the grav shuts and some equipment on their belt.

Anyway, as far as painting goes I am most of the way through 6 sniper teams, and have base coated some Heavy bolter teams and 2 Tauros Assault vehicles.

Next time I will cover the Heavy Bolter teams. And as I have now done a post about most of the different types expect about a post a week. I don't want to run out of things to write about before I get the army in a condition to play some games with it. I still have quite a few topics planned however.


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