Colour Scheme test model - Elysian Drop Trooper with Lasgun
Colour Scheme test model - Elysian Drop Trooper with Lasgun

As I mentioned I am up to the stage where I want to get my colour scheme sorted, for my infantry at least.
So this is the model I have chosen before any paint was applied. A standard lasgun trooper with grav shute and some belt equipment.
First I primed him with Vallejo Skeleton bone primer.
Then I applied the base coats, Green for the armour and equipment, black for the weapon and boots, blue for the visor, flesh for the skin, and some silver highlights.
Following this I applies a flesh wash on the skin, and Nuln Oil on the rest of the model. Then some sand a little grass to on the base to finish things off.
In all I am quite happy with how it turned out, not just visually wise, but at the time it took to do.
I freely admit I am no pro-painter, and my main aim is to get large amounts of model to table top standard, and this will do for that, especially as I have over a hundred of these guys to do, plus all the vehicles.
Anyway, let me know what you think.
My next post will be just some info on the basic Drop troopers, different arm and leg options and some general tips.
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