Valkyries, Vendettas, Vultures and an Arvus

Valkyries, Vendettas, Vultures and an Arvus

I have collected a few flyers over the years for my Imperial Guard army, and all will also be useful in an Elysian army. I will present them in the order that I obtained them.

First up is a rather poorly painted Valkyrie that I picked up in an ebay lot. I have have magnetised the wing mounts to no take either Hellstrike missiles, multiple rocket launchers or Twin Lascannons to use it as a Vendetta.

The second flyer I got, also as part on an ebay lot was a very nicely painted Valkyrie. Someone spent a lot of time on this one, and even the interior details have been painted. I have not magnetised the weapon mounts on this one as I am reluctant to modify such a nice paint job.

Next up is 2 Vendettas I got as part of another lot of mainly tanks. The paintjob on these is okay, and they have the actual Forgeworld vendetta upgrade parts. I have since magnetised the weapon mounts on one of them so I can also use it as a Valkyrie as some of the tournaments around here don't allow Forgeworld, which the Vendetta now counts as.

Now we get on to models I have assembled and painted

So next is 2 Vultures with twin punisher cannons. Being resin these are significantly heavier than the previous plastic flyers. Especially as the central section is a solid chick of resin. Some of the wing pylons were attached the wrong way round which meant the punisher cannons would not attach as per the instructions, so I had to attach the ammo belt to the bottom of the gun rather then the side as it should have been. I think they turned out alright though.

And lastly is an Arvus Lighter. This has been referred to as the worst flyer in the game, and while I don't know if I agree with that, it is far from the best. At least in 8th edition it does not always fire snap shots. But I just really love the model and am trying to find a use for it.

I also have a Thunderbolt which just arrived this week and 2 Sky talons, but I will cover them in a later post when I get around to assembling them.

Next up I will cover my tarantula weapon platforms.


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