

For my Elysian force I wanted both Heavy boler and Lascannon Tarantulas.

From what I understand the FW Tarantula is a FW Razorback turret and a base. Interestingly enough the Sabre weapon platform bases are the same size, and for the turrets, but are a slightly different design.

I was able to find a source for the bases reasonably cheap so I bouught a few of them and three of the Lascannon turrets.

Only recently have I been able to find a source for the FW Heavy bolter turret, so had previously bought 3 of the standard Heavy Bolter razorback turrents, and they look alright, and are certainly usable. I should probably drill out the barrels.

And just a few days ago I got some of the FW Heavy Bolter turrets too, but haven't assembeled them yet.

Not much hobby progress to report for the last week though due to stuff. Still working on assembling the Tauros Venators. And Elysian Drop sentinels will be the subject of the next post. But here is a quck shot of my assembeled Elysian shelf, of which I am slowly working through reviews of.


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