Progress Post

Progress Post

Not the post about the Sentinels I has promised next, but that is still coming.

Still working on some Tauros Venators and they are coming along. Have completed 4 of them with the 4th one completed this evening after I took this pic. And I have 4 more after this to go so will stick with them till all 8 are done.

I have decided to go with the Twin Lascannon option as multi-lasers are rubbish. Still not to sure what to do about the hunter killer missiles as the ones that come with the model seem to require shaving the bolts off the sides where they attach, so will probably go with a different type of hunter killer missile and attach a magnet somewhere to the model. Here are the three types of Hunter Killer Missiles I have. The one of the left is a Sentinel HK, the middle one is the one that came with the Venator, and the two on the right are ones I bought separately so I don't know what model they are from, but is probably the one I will go with as I can easily get more, and they are relatively easy to magnetise. And I am about to order 10 more so I will not run out.

And here is a quick preview picture of the assembled Sentinels still on the shelf.


  1. Men, I just ordered me one Sentinel, but you go already big in the numbers. :)


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