Progress Post

Progress Post

First up I now have a logo. Nothing to different or original, but I needed something. Pretty much the standard Elysia logo with the regiment number and some text.

I have finished assembling and magnetising all the Tauros's, both the assault ones and the Venators

The magnetised mount can hold both the Sentinel HK missile, as well as the other type I have which I have determined is from a Rhino. However the actual Tauros HK will not fit without more customisation than I am willing to do.

I have armed all the Venators with Lascannons, and all the Assault ones with Heavy Flamers. I can't see any reason to use the multi-laser on the Venator rather than the lascannon. I can see a case for the grenade launcher on the Assault Tauros, but after a bit of math-hammer I have determined that the grenade launcher will do less damage in almost all situations, and is more expensive. I plan to run them as deepstrike denial/blocking units rather than fire support so the flamer is a much more appropriate weapon. The grenade launcher would put them in more of a fire support role, and I have other units for that.

So now I am back to assembling infantry of various types, and will finish off the sniper and heavy weapon teams as well. I'm going to aim for about 100 lasgun infantry models, with a range of commanders, sergeants and special weapon teams, and a large number of plasma gunners. I still need to get my colour scheme sorted so may paint up a few models to see what they will look like.

Also I was down at my local gaming store yesterday and ended up talking to the in-store commission painter. So now he has one of my Sky Talons to assemble and paint. He has said he will have it done by the weekend, 3 days from now. So I will put up some pictures of that when it is done.


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