Elysian Missile Launcher Squad

Elysian Missile Launcher Squad

Well I have learnt my lesson about promising models I haven't finished yet. Due to other stuff happening I only just finished assembling these tonight.

I went for pretty similar poses across the three, with the 3 missile launcher guys kneeling, and the 2nd guy walking with the extra missiles

No with the Elysian infantry there are only about 6 different leg poses, 2 of which are kneeling. Of the other 4 there is the walking one which I really don't like, especially on models that are shooting as they lean forward a considerable distance. In fact I have stopped using them, but they did seem appropriate for the off-sider in the missile launcher team.

So now these guys are done. Originally I wasn't going to have any missile launchers as they are sub-par compared to lascanons, but as Elysian can't take lascannon teams I may use them. I am thinking of running them in heavy weapon teams with two mortars and a missile launcher, and using the mortars as ablative wounds.

I'll probably get another 3, but not for a while as I have got so much other stuff to assemble.

Progress wise I have also almost finished 2 more Assault Tauros's, and will get onto some more mortar and sniper teams next.

So my next post I'll do the mortar teams. And I have a bunch of these assembled so no unnecessary delays.


  1. Good Idea. A meatshield Mortar in each heavy weapons team is the way to go in 8th Edition. And you are right: Missile launchers are heavily underperforming when compared to Lascannons or Heavy Bolters. They are the same as Mortars when fired on Soft Targets and less good than Lascannons vs hard Targets. The only good thing is, that they dont get an price increase if you have them on a BS3 Modell. So the current advice from the internetz is to put them not in Squads but as the heavy Option of your Veterans Squad.

    So they have more meat to protect them, have BS3 and even have BS4 when the Veterans have moved.

    1. In Elysian armies they can't even go in regular squads so Heavy weapon teams, veteran squads and command squads. However I am not sure there is even a place for missile launchers. Lascannons are readily avaliable on Tarantulas and Venators, and plasma can readily help to fufill the rest of the Anti-tank requirements.

      I have 3 Missile launchers paintes, and an assembling 3 more right now. That is all I can ever see me needing though. Nothinh like my 12 Heavy bolter teams, 8 mortar teams, and 18 sniper squads.

      But I will go into more detail on my thoughts about missile launchers when I do my tactics post on them


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