
Showing posts from July, 2018

Elysians - Second game, 2000pts

Had a second game with my Elysians. Used pretty much the same list as my previous game, but just bulked it out slightly to 2000pts rather then the 1900pts I used last game. My opponent had 2 detachments as he is slowly paining a Primaris Ultramarine's army, but doesn't have a full force yet so mixes in some units from his older Blood Angels army. His Ultramarine's detachment had various Primaris marines and a daredo dreadnought and the Blood angels detachment had assault marines, a Storm Raven containing a death company and a Close combat dreadnought. I went with an Elysian Brigade, with the required infantry, drop plasma, flamer Tauros's, various Tarantulas and a bunch of sniper and mortar squads. We used the Open War cards for the scenario and got an end to end deployment, and the mission was 2 objectives, and you automatically win if you hold both and the end of your opponents turn. He went first and I failed to seize. He moved up and took out some of my

Elysians - First Game

Had my first game using the Elysians last night after work. My mate was after a friendly game and I had time. He was using Tyranids, with large numbers of genestealers, 3 winged hive tyrants, plus some other stuff. We did mission and deployment selection using the Open War Cards which I highly recommend, even if they results often heavily favour one side over the other. The way the cards work is you draw a objective card, a deployment card and a twist card. For example we got a relatively standard deployment, but the objective was that at the start of turn 3 a comet lands in one of 5 places on the board determined randomly, and whoever holds this objective at the end of turn 5 wins. And the twist we drew was that it was night-time with all shooting and psychic ranges limited to 12", and at the start of each game tune go up by 6" on a roll of 4+. For us it stayed at 12", only going to 18' for turn 5. I deployed half of my army for turn 1, mainly the mortars and s

Winter Warfest

I went to a tournament over the weekend. 1500pts with a max of 400pts of Forgeworld, so I couldn't take my Elysians even if they were ready to go. So I went with a Cadian Brigade as pictured below. Idea is that the Basilisks and Vultures provide the heavy firepower, and the rest is to soak up damage and hold objectives with the Scions and Rough Riders are backfield objective grabbers. This was first tournament with ITC rules so that was interesting. I mostly went for Recon, Behind enemy lines and Old School secondaries as most armies were designed to prevent the others being useful. My army was less optimised in this regard and against me most people went for big game hunter as I had a few vehicles, and the character hunter one as I have numerous characters. However most people had trouble killing my vehicles, and although the vultures died in 3 out of 4 games, only 1 basilisk got killed in all the 4 games. Similarly I lost very few characters as none of my opponents killed

Sentinel Powerlifters

I have recently gotten hold of some Sentinel Powerlifters. Now according to the Table of Organisation below powerlifters are found in Elysian regiments. Another interesting item is the inclusion of Stormtroopers within the regiment, as they are usually in separate regiments but that is beside the point. Obviously this is an old chart so things have been changed since then, but it is still an interesting reference as to how an Elysian regiment is laid out. So onto Powerlifters. I have pasted their entry below and they are actually quite impressive, and only 45points each. I actually see them in a similar role to Bullgryns, and their cost is pretty similar too. Bullgryns have the same strength and toughness, better armour, but less wounds and movement. Also can use stratagems and abilities the affect infantry. Powerlifters however have powerfist equivalents, so have 3 S10, AP -2 and D3 wound attacks which is pretty awesome. But consider you can use the Crush Them strata

Elysian Tactics - AM Codex Allies

As some of you may have noticed I am not posting as much lately, and this lesser rate of posts will probably continue till I start playing some games. But I will have enough painted to field a 2000pt force in less than a month by my calculations. Model choices will be somewhat limited to start with, but not overly so. I could right now use a smaller force of Elysians beside my Cadians, but I don't really want to do that, not for club games at least. But that brings me to my topic for the next 2 posts, which is what non-Elysians look like they will work well in an Elysian force. I will not be covering using a small force of Elysian with other armies as that is not how I plan to run mine. Neither will I be covering elements too far from the guard codex, no matter how competitive they may be, such as custodes, because I am not going to run them that way, and I will only cover elements I am familiar with, starting with elements withing the AM codex. Note I will not be covering all op