
Showing posts from December, 2018

Chapter Approved 2018 - Elysians

Chapter Approved came out last weekend, and while there were a lot of points changes, Elysians got mostly ignored. All the entries in the entry below are either reiterations of previous changes, or there for consistency with the general Astra Militarum changes. In saying that the changes were pretty good overall, with no point increases and some decent wargear reductions. In addition to the above changes the Officer of the Fleet got 5 points cheaper, and more significantly the Valkyrie also got 10 points cheaper in addition to point reductions for most of its weapon options. This means a minimum cost Valkyrie is now only 117pts. This is another nail in the coffin for Vendettas as a lascannon Vendetta now costs only slightly less than 2 Valkyries  (2 x 117 = 234pts vs 230pts). Auxiliary Grenade Launcher: No change, but just included here foe completeness. Flamer: 1 pt reduction. Might make flamers a little more viable, but not a big enough change to field them if you weren'

Elysian Tactics - Vox casters

I have just finished assembling and painting up 8 of these guys, mainly because I didn't have any in my collection. Vox casters increase the range of an officers orders from 6" to 18" if the office is within 6" of a friendly Vox caster, and the target unit also has a vox caster. Initially this seems to be rather useful, but in practice it usually easy enough to keep an officer within 6" of the units he needs to order. While vox's only cost 5 points each, you generally need a minimum of 2 of them to get any use out of them so the points can add up quickly. It is easy to think up scenarios where a vox-caster network can be useful but it is often more effective to just take an additional officer or two. An important point to note is that the Vox caster that the officer uses to send the order does not need to be in the same regiment, so a Tempestus Prime could use the Vox-caster in a nearby Drop Trooper squad to order a distant scion squad, provided that

2 Day tournament - Day two

I arrived for day 2 of the tournament in plenty of time. A few players had dropped out over night so the tables got spaced out a bit to give more room around the tables. See my reviw of day one here. Game 4 Deployment: Hammer and Anvil Objective #1: Eternal War: ETC Relic (ALTERED) & Scouring (Marker 1-6) Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Spoils of War (3 cards per turn scoring cap) My first opponent for the day was another Custodes army, although this one had no jetbikes and had 2 Xiphon flyers. Still had the -1 to hit banner though. As is usual me me he went first, bringing up his Xiphons and Landraider to engage my flyers. I think he expected to kill all 3, but helped by the prepared defences stratagem he only killed the Valkyrie, dumping the melta squads inside not far from his Xiphons. We had a bit of a rules discussion about whether his Landraider could advance and fire the heavy wea

2 Day tournament - Day one

This tournament is tun by the Australian defence force wargaming club, and it is the firs one of theirs that I have attended. In an effort to make it a more friendly environment there are only certificates as prizes, and missions are only published a few days before the tournament to encourage more balanced lists. The missions used a Maelstrom mission and an EW mission, with even some of the Chapter Approved missions used too. And there were minor modifications to the missions too. Many different game systems are run in the same hall, and there were around 40 people signed up for 40k, and finished with 32 at the end of the 2nd day. The list I ended taking is as follows. Brigade, Aerial Wing and Aux Support detachment, 2000pts, 15 CPs HQ 3x Elysian Company Commanders with Lasgun and Auxiliary Grenade Launcher - 1 Warlord with The Laurels of Command and Master of Command - 1 in Valkyrie Troops 6x Elysian Drop Trooper Squads, 10 lasguns each Elites 2x Elysian Command Sq