Elysian Tactics - Sniper Squads

Posting has been a bit slow lately, but had my final exam for the semester today so will be back into regular posting again Now sniper teams are good. I don't know if they are the cheapest sniper in the game, but they won't be far off. 7 points each, or 21 points for a squad of three makes them a real good deal. It's just a pity they are in the already crowded elites slot. In addition to this they are a two wound model, and have a lasgun to shoot with as well. It's just a pity many places are adopting the rule of three meaning you can only field three squads, especially has prior to this I had just finished painting up 6 squads. They also have aerial drop as does all Elysians, but there is very little point in using it, as with their long range they make much better backfield units, and also pretty good deep-strike denial units with the larger base covering a decent amount of area So really if you have any spare elite slots, these guys are a worthwhile add...