Elysians in tournaments following the Space Marine updates

Over the weekend I attended a 1750pt tournament with my Elysian's. I used a similar list to what I have used in the past with an Elysian brigade including 3 Vultures, and also brought a Vanguard detachment of 3 assassins. My list here. https://downunderpairings.com/ArmyList.php?ArmyID=13879 As an interesting aside check out my new unit markers, which are kids hair ties. I bought a pack of 1000 of them in a bunch of different colours for a few bucks, and they fit really well around a 25mm base. Now generally in tournaments I end up somewhere in the lower part of the top half, but times have changed. Game 1 My first game was against a Mechanicus army, and my opponent was quite an experienced player. His list is here. https://downunderpairings.com/ArmyList.php?ArmyID=13900 He managed to all 3 of my Vultures round one, but did burn through all his command points to do so. However from there I did not have the firepower to carry they day, and while I killed some of ...