Marauder Destroyer and the upcoming FAQ

The painting of my Elysian army is coming along nicely with around 3500pts of painted models so far, not including flyers. And as the title of this post suggests, there is one particular flyer I am going to talk about today, the Marauder Destroyer. I have recently got one of these, and it is a monster. I plan to assemble it over the next few weeks. Rules wise things are a bit up in the air currently with the September FAQ due out soon. While there has been very little way in info from GW, it is widely expected to deal with 'soup' armies, in particular the fact that almost every Imperium army is taking the 'loyal 32', a Guard battalion with 3 Infantry squads and 2 company commanders, starting at 180pts, and giving 5 command points as well as the regaining of spend CPs. Other issues likely to be addressed are the beta deep strike rules and maybe the rule of 3. There is also a rumour about guardsmen going to 5pts each. Now while all this is just speculation, ...