Upcoming 1500pt tournament

It's been a slow few months for my Hobby progress due to various factors including moving house, and a lot of my stuff is still packed up. However I have signed up for an upcoming 1500pt tournament in July. In the ongoing effort to make things as fair as possible this tournament has a number of restrictions regarding factions, detachments and Forgeworld models. Effectively you can only gain one faction benefit for your army, e.g. Cadian doctrine etc. And a max limit of 400pts of Forgeworld. However in corresponding with the TOs I have been allowed to run a pure Elysian List, even though it is almost all Forgeworld as the forgeworld limitation is to allow people to bring things like leviathans etc not whole armies. If you are interested in the full list of restrictions and everything else, here is the link to the players pack. While I haven't finalised my list I'm actually looking at taking a pretty standard list to this. Probably a Brigade with 3 CCs, 6 Infantr...