Elysian Battle Report - 1000pts

I got in a small game at the local club yesterday. My List was as follows Battalion Detachment 2 Company commanders with Auxiliary Grenade Launchers 4 Infantry squads with all lasguns 2 Plasma command squads 2 Tauros Assault Vehicles with Heavy Flamers 1 Tauros Venator with Hunter-killer missile and Twin lascannon 2 Heavy weapon squads with mortars 2 Vultures with Twin Punisher Gatling Cannons My Opponent was playing Death Guard, and had the following Batallion and Vanguard detachments Plagueburst crawler 2 units of nurglings 1 large unit of plague walkers 1 Hellbrute That Nurgle tree And a variety of characters including a psyker. Mission was the Maelstrom mission, Cloak of Shadows, which imposed a -1 to hit on any shooting over 18", and deployment was Hammer and Anvil. He only kept his tree in Deepstrike reserve, and I reserved both my CCs, 3 Infantry squads and both Command squads. As expected he got first turn and moved up and shot with...